Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Why is this such a popular card in the TCG? It does the same thing as Skelangel/MimicLevel1/Crystal Seer/etc.

Just curious.

Also flip draw is overrated.


  1. Black Salvo into DSF, and that's about it.

  2. It was used before DSF/Dark Salvo even APPEARED in the anime.

  3. Higher attack power when flipped?

  4. Machine dark allure food,dark armed food,sync dark dive LOL...

    just maybe...

  5. Which doesnt answer why it was used in decks before Allure, DAD, and Dark Salvo even existed.

  6. coz those cards did not exist back then except for dark mimic which have no reason to be used since CCV did not exist too =D

  7. Firstly Dekoichi is Machine, It could be stack with many combo like limiter Removal , or Overload fusion which can turn into Chimera with Cyber D. For Skelengel, the attack is simply too low... Mimic lv 1 is good if you ask me but the atk is way low... ( I sense virus) Crystal seer... I think you might shout if your opp activate or summon monster that actually pierce defends.

  8. machine == food for chimeratech overdragon?


  9. Mainly it's attack power as it can also be used to press for an attack after a plus one gain. Or perhaps cause last time Limit Break at 3 was really fun LOL.

  10. Only reason I liked it was when i was able to draw 8 cards from it. Other in TCG used it because if you hit it with Noble Crossout, you could bring all 3 back, Limiter Remove for game most times.

  11. just wondering, why no FC2 blog like the rest of us (me being former ocg), lol.


  12. b/c in the TCG, players are far more conservative and tend to analyze and prioritze card advantage as a means of propelling the player into a better game state. before Synchro monsters and Dark Armed Dragon, Dekoichi was amazing b/c of the "Protect Dekoichi" method.

    to better explain Protect Deko, it was mainly used in the post-stein/pre-gadget era. mechanics are simple. set dekoichi and follow it up by setting protection (i.e., Bottomless, Sakuretsu, Widespread of that time). you theorhetically, kill their monster which yields you a 1-for-1 trade. On your turn, you flip dekoichi for a draw (+1), and then tribute for a monarch (which is normally a 1-for-1 but given the fact that you tributed a flipped dekoichi, it results in another +1). w/ that theory, you just pulled off a pot of greed followed by a delinquent duo.

  13. Saying it does the same thing as any of those others, even in times where all of the other Deko-compatible supports didn't exist, is a gross miscalculation.

    Superior stats mean a whole lot in this game - not the concept of being superior by a lot, but superior enough.

    Deko is the oldest example I can think of of a card poised to float both by effect and by battle; its being a Flip susceptible to NoC only increased the playability of RftDD, as that NoC just primes 4200 ATK for you.

  14. no its because in the tcg when monarchs were big dekoichi was amazing. So you would set dekoichi and sakuretsu. So they would attack dekoichi and you would saku. So that was a one for one your one card for their monster. Then yyou would draw and then flip dekoichi. instead of the normal five cards in your hand you have six. Then you drop say thestalos you one dekoichi for thestalos and the one card in you opponents hand. its called the floater theory.

  15. Was mainly used in monarch decks, where they'd protect a card like deko with sakuretsu armour/widesread ruin etc. Then flip it to get a +1 and so the deko would be a floater. It could then attack, or be tributed with no cost to the user.

  16. Educated guess says that Dekochi was popular for a variety of reasons. the first was a defensive draw card with decent defense in a format where D-Heros were the main engine for decks.

    Now hes at best just a stall card for machine based decks, or decks that need a limited draw engine.

  17. idk
    dekoichi got better over time i suppose, with allures and black salvo

  18. Rauzes: A rule of thumb, Japanese players and American players think very differently.

    You may as well look at Japanese and American's create a card threads. It could give you some answers to your question.

  19. The Reason people used it before Allure of Darkness, Dark Armed Dragon, Dark Strike Fighter, and all that fun stuff is one word: Advantage.
    Because back then, the average TCG play thought "if I am up by even +1 I will win! WAAHAHA!".
    Stupid right?
    That and they used it as a Draw Engine.
    But why not anything else?
    The big reason was its 1400 attack. Pretty much, plain and simple. Most people did not have a Crush Card Virus to abuse Mimic, and I don't believe Skelangel was released. And people used Crystal Seer, just for some reason, people kept using the little train that could.

    But I agree with you, completely over-rated.

  20. It was awesome during the cyber dragon era

  21. Combos really well with sangan too. I've won loads of games where I've searched jujitsu master with sangan then set deko. Opponent thinks juju so they don't attack it allowing me to flip, draw, monarch.

  22. Good debate, but I agree, very overrated. Still a good card compared to skel and seer..

  23. There was a point when Dekoichi was the only draw card, before skelengel became available. Once skelengel was released player divided the slots dekoichi took to get pass Nobleman of Crossout from removing all their draw cards and to make betteruse of a light for Chaos Sorcerer. Once DDraw and Allure came out Dekoichi took a step back.

  24. Hi Rauzes this is probably my 1st comment here.

    Well, Flippers are really overrated in TCG, but have to say, they are NOT BAD. Not bad only, not good either.

    What I could think of is: most TCG decks are protected by Solemns and PWWBs which make monster protection easier. I personally prefer a Seer in Monarch and Dekoichi in some random decks. If this is the OCG section then Skelengel please: a lv4 monster Mind Controlled by opponent is not worth joking.

    Correct me if I am wrong please.
