Monday, October 12, 2009

Norelas Concept...

Summon Stardust, activate some of your own destruction, negate it with Dust, Summon Norelas, Trigger effect, nuke field and enemy hand, as well as your own, draw something irrelevant, then at the end phase revive stardust for some beating next turn


  1. Nice concept!

    I used to play a Norleras deck revolving around Kuriboh :3

  2. Or, just get a Mali, and a PSZ in your grave then nuke the field, and then use Mali and PSZ to get you either Stardust, Colo, or any other LV8.

  3. I find using this "Norleras" concept in Hopeless Dragon the most fun and possibly the most consistent since the version I run mills through the deck and/or searches for Norl. to discard it to the grave then use PoC to nuke it. After, in the end phase, summon Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon via Wyvern.

  4. Drill Warrior could work too, bringing back DAD and such for extreme damage.

  5. Very nice.

    Dimensionhole works too, by the way.
