Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Deckfix: Blood Monarch

I recently received a deckfix request for a rather interesting deck, and I wanted to share it with you.

The original deck can be found on Gambit's blog, Duelism.

It appears as follows:

Blood Monarch/Bloodarch (Gambit Style)

2 Destiny Hero Plasma/D・HERO Bloo-D
1 Destiny Hero Dogma/D・HERO ドグマガイ
2 Destiny Hero Diamond Dude/D・HERO ダイアモンド・ガイ
2 Caius the Shadow Monarch/邪帝ガイウス
2 Raiza the Storm Monarch/風帝ライザー
1 Kuraz the Light Monarch/光帝クライス
3 Tongue Twister/タン・ツイスター
1 Cyber Dragon/サーバー・ドラゴン
1 Elemental Hero Stratos/E・HERO エアーマン
1 Blackwing - Gale the Hurricane/BF-疾風のゲイル
1 Treeborn Frog/黄泉ガエル
1 Dandylion/ダンディライオン
1 Mashmallon/マッシュマロン
1 Shiba Warrior Taro/柴戦士タロ
1 Spirit Reaper/魂を削る死霊
1 Sangan/クリッター
2 Krebons/クレボンス

3 Destiny Draw/デスティニードロー
1 Emergency Teleport/緊急テレポート
1 Trade In/トレード・イン
1 Pot of Avarice/貪欲な壺
1 Brain Control/洗脳ーブレインコントロールー
1 Heavy Storm/大嵐
1 Mystical Space Typhoon/サイクロン

3 Reckless Greed/無用な欲ぼり
2 Ultimate Offering/血の代償
1 Torrential Tribute/激流葬
1 Mirror Force/聖なるバリアーミラーフォースー

The premise of this deck is the ridiculous number of draw 2 cards.

For starters, Destiny draw and reckless greed together with a Trade in for good effect has proven in the past to work quite well.

Gambit has taken the extra step and packed Tounge Twisters along with Ultimate offering, a powerful draw engine available to almost uniquely to Ultimate Offering Monarch decks.

Another interesting tech is the single Kuraz, allowing you to get even more draws off of cards such as Reckless Greed.
Additionally, the Ultimate Offering allows for you to retrieve the one drawback of Kuraz, that it eats your normal summon.

Now, for deckfixes.

First off, I have no idea why you didnt add Allure of Darkness, considering how many DARKs you are running, so +2 Allure off the bat.

Trade in is a powerful card, yes, but in ones, even with 3 targets, it is a bit weak and hard to use. I would suggest adding one more Trade In.
+1 Trade In

To balance this out, one more level 8 must be added, so another Plasma is added, for good effect.
On top of this, it contributes to the deck's namesake, Blood Monarch.
+1 Destiny Hero Plasma

With your increased draw power, digging into that Ultimate Offering is easier. This allows for more monsters to be fielded and used, so why not add another Pot of Avarice? It also helps for your Destiny Draw + Trade In super draws.
+1 Pot of Avarice

Now, another integral part of using Destiny Draw with Monarchs is the Stratos into Malicious, then D-Draw'ing off the Malicious, for free monarch fodder later in the game.
+2 D-Hero Malicious.

+2 Destiny Hero Malicious, +1 Pot of Avarice, +1 Destiny Hero Plasma, +1 Trade In, and +2 Allure of Darkness.

Undoubtedly, this gives you much more draw power. Your deck now is packing SIXTEEN draw 2 Cards, more than most people have in ALL their decks combined.

Unfortunately, these increased aspects of the deck calls for cards to be cut.

With the increased number of D-Heroes for Destiny Draw, losing one Diamond dude is now a viable move.

MST is cut because this deck allows access to almost all your cards all the time, so simple stalling or removal can be in the form of Brionac and Stardust Dragon easier.

Along with the increased draw power, you have easier access to Ultimate Offering, the powerhouse card of this deck. However, this also means you lose the ability to use Treeborn Frog quite as often. Thus, Treeborn Frog will be cut.

Gale, while a powerful card, is great for killing monsters, but is only valid once. The drawback of Gale in the new deck is that you pull out strong moves in momentum in one turn alone, perhaps your opponents turn, so the one time valid mini tide turner that is Gale is not quite as good.
A hard cut, yes, but necessary.

Shiba Warrior Taro, a third onwards indestructible by battle monster after Mashmallon and Spirit Reaper, will be cut because you dont have to stall quite as much anymore.

The last two cuts are extremely difficult.
Cyber Dragon, because you can lay down monsters every turn, meaning you dont usually have nothing on the field, and Torrential Tribute, because of your massive moves, and the fact that IMO, Mirror Force is slightly better.

It will end up something like this:

Bloodarch (Rauzes Fix)

3 Destiny Hero Plasma/D・HERO Bloo-D
1 Destiny Hero Dogma/D・HERO ドグマガイ
2 Destiny Hero Malicious/D・HERO ディアボリック・ガイ

1 Destiny Hero Diamond Dude/D・HERO ダイアモンド・ガイ
2 Caius the Shadow Monarch/邪帝ガイウス
2 Raiza the Storm Monarch/風帝ライザー
1 Kuraz the Light Monarch/光帝クライス
3 Tongue Twister/タン・ツイスター
1 Elemental Hero Stratos/E・HERO エアーマン
1 Dandylion/ダンディライオン
1 Mashmallon/マッシュマロン
1 Spirit Reaper/魂を削る死霊
1 Sangan/クリッター
2 Krebons/クレボンス

3 Destiny Draw/デスティニードロー
2 Allure of Darkness/闇の誘惑

1 Emergency Teleport/緊急テレポート
2 Trade In/トレード・イン
2 Pot of Avarice/貪欲な壺
1 Brain Control/洗脳ーブレインコントロールー
1 Heavy Storm/大嵐

3 Reckless Greed/無用な欲ぼり
2 Ultimate Offering/血の代償
1 Mirror Force/聖なるバリアーミラーフォースー

This concludes today's deckfix writeup. Enjoy your new deck, Gambit. Super Draw LiDa on steroids, only without the LiDa part.

Feel free to netdeck or copy the concept!


  1. feel free to draw a terrible opening hand every game without fail and go x-3-drop!

  2. haha i figured Razus is going to post a BAD deck since he posted Junk and Debris and it suddenly is the talk of all SJC as this new ORIGINAL innovative deck that TOTALLY didn't come off a blog. :P

  3. DEREK agrees that awful deck is awful. If you're dead set on using Tongue Twister, there are far better ways to exploit his effect.

    Actually, scratch that.

    Just don't play Tongue Twister.

  4. I was wondering, no Soul Exchange?

  5. Plaguespreader Zombie not in?

  6. tested it on my ds and it didn't work. always have a bad hand because lot of lvl 6 monsters.

  7. Tongue Twister at 1 is not bad
    3 is too bad
